Emotions bring feelings to communication and that can bring special challenges. If you are the...
Values are indicative of a person’s philosophy for living and are influenced by where you...
Is your focus on your mate? Is your mate’s focus on you? Or does 100% of the focus...
I had a brief but wonderful text conversation with a friend last night. She told me she had found...
One of the great things about getting older is the wisdom we hopefully acquire with life...
Courting is a word that is rarely used today. The word dating has basically replaced the word...
Just this week I was reading an article by a men’s dating coach. In it the coach talked...
If you have been in the dating world very long at all you will come across people that you have...
Never underestimate the effect that divorce has on your children even if they are adults. Because...
I regularly have conversations with people about the importance of making and maintaining a Must...
Have you ever watched a couple have a meltdown in public because of jealousy? It can be a really...