
Love for a Lifetime

#346 - Serendipity vs dating intentionally dating must have

I regularly have conversations with people about the importance of making and maintaining a Must...

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#345 - Are your emotional walls driving people away?

A few days ago, a Facebook friend reached out and agreed with a blog I had written about taking...

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#344 - You are the light that attracts everything into your life! dating online dating

Why do some people have almost nothing but great experiences dating while others never do?

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#343 - Common interests are not enough to sustain a relationship. connection dating

It’s so exciting when you meet someone that you have a lot in common with. Generally your...

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#342 - A Christmas Message

The Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly...

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#341 - Surviving the holidays as a single. blessings holidays loneliness

Holiday Season…the loneliest time of the year?
I’ve been asked to share some ideas...

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#340 - Gut instincts. Are you listening? dating

The other day I was out running errands in a town that I’m not overly familiar with. I came...

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#339 - What does an extraordinary relationship look like? dating

From time to time I get asked this question and sometimes it’s the statement that there are...

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#338 - Just for laughs. dating humor

I’ve been divorced for nearly 12 year now. I’ve had more than my share of dates and a...

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#337 - Truth: Can you handle it? communication respect self worth

Merriam-Webster defines truth as:
1 – the body of real things, events, and facts: ACTUALITY...

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#336 - What the opposite sex thinks about your online dating profile online dating

Every Tuesday on my Facebook page I post a question generally about dating. The questions vary...

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#335 - Letting go. connection emotions fear

Lessons I’m learning about life.

Some memories propel us forward and some hold us back.


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