
Love for a Lifetime

#328 - Emotional healing won't come from another relationship!

I’ve had a rash of emails in the past month or so from widowers that soon after their wife...

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#327 - The battle between your heart and mind

One of the hardest things to teach is to use your mind to make important decisions. For most of...

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#326 - Where is your focus?

Is your focus on the past, the present or the future? Hopefully it’s a little bit of all...

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#325 - Don't let age become your enemy communication connection dating four cornerstone of great relationships

In the past 5 ½ years since my dad has passed, I’ve become much more acutely aware...

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#324 - We create most of our dating problems

Recently I’ve had several people reach out to tell me that they don’t believe they...

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#323 - Insecure singles hang on way too long! courage dating divorced relationships widowed

There are certain things that are regular occurrences in dating. Not being absolutely clear about...

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#322 - The power of being a couple

A few of you that are reading this are already coupled up, maybe even married. The rest of us are...

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#321 - When you set low expectations...

From time to time, I hear from people that don’t buy into the possibility of a soul mate or...

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#320 - "Yeah. but... my situation is different!" dating divorced starting over

I’m always amazed when I talk to people about dating and relationships (especially when...

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#319 - Are you being true to yourself? breaking up communication dating relationships

When we’re interested in someone and think they could be the one, it seems that we’ll...

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#318 - Check your attitude before you date! communication connection dating

I had an interesting experience yesterday. I made a “connection” on an online dating...

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#317 - Grief, it's a necessary part of moving on

I don’t know why I’m so amazed at how quickly people want to jump back into a new...

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