
Love for a Lifetime

#306 - Would you talk to your friends the way you talk to yourself? communication connection dating positive attitude

If you’re anything like the people that responded to that question on my Facebook page, the...

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#305 - There's power in personal coaching dating positive attitude starting over

There’s power in personal coaching!

Last week I was invited to watch a five-day virtual...

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#304 - Are you prepared to make a great first impression? connection dating hygiene relationships

Are you really prepared to make a great first impression?
You only get one chance at making a...

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#303 - Feeling overwhelmed with dating today? communication relationships starting over

How do you start to date in today’s world of crazy?
This is a question I get frequently. It...

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#302 - Do these things to be ready for a relationship in 2021 dating relationships starting over

Are you prepared for a new relationship in 2021?
Today, let’s talk about being prepared for...

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#301 - I'm dreaming of a white Christmas blessings communication dating love traditions

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

It’s Christmas Eve and the Christmas holiday is...

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#300 - Are you genuinely open to learning something new? communication relationships respect self worth

Recently a woman reach out to let me know that she was disappointed in the fact that my book,...

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#299 - Dating in an immediate gratification society dating relationships

We live in a world of immediate gratification. If you have any doubt, just look at the...

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#297 - Do you sometimes feel like a dating hand-me-down? breaking up communication connection relationships toxic relationships

This is a feeling that has struck me several times in the past few years. You date someone, get...

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#296 - Does your dating life feel like one bad decision after another dating relationships self worth starting over toxic relationships trust

I hear from so many people about how dumb they feel for getting involved with this person or that...

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#295 - Does God really have someone special for you? connection dating must have list positive attitude praying starting over

Does God really have someone special for you?
Most people I know would love God to deliver someone...

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