Where should you draw the line of promoting sex outside of marriage? Do you believe...
#59 - Where do you want to invest your time?
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All relationships, both personal and business, require on-going communication. Without...
#57 - Do you struggle with believing that there is a perfect mate for you?
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Do you struggle with this concept because no one is perfect? Or, how about “I...
#56 - Are you a cheerleader, an enabler, or a dream killer?
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The cheerleader is the person in your corner cheering you on, encouraging you and holding you...
#55 - What subjects are you afraid to talk about with your mate? Money? Sex? Past relationships? Religion? Politics? Why?
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Extraordinary communication is critical to any relationship and at any stage of a relationship....
#54 - What signals are you sending your mate?
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Are you flirtatious like we discussed yesterday? Are you cool and reserved? Are you distant and...
#53 - Flirting is an aphrodisiac!
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Think about the last time you had someone flirt with you. If there was even the mildest physical...
#52 - How do you handle money in your relationship?
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Money is one of the most important topics; one of the least discussed early in a relationship;...
#51 - It is always easier to see someone else's flaws and mistakes than to see our own!
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In the midst of a conversation this weekend, I found myself being judged for some of my past...
#50 - Okay. You find yourself single again. Now what?
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Today we are going to follow up on Tuesdays post. Whether you were the one to make the...
#48 - F.E.A.R.
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F.E.A.R. How many times have you been afraid of doing or saying something only to find out...
#47 - How do you regain trust once it has been lost?
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I have been pondering this question for a couple of weeks after I had a conversation with a...