
Love for a Lifetime

#220 - Your dating power is in your must have list

The power is in your Must Have list

Recently I was having a conversation with a woman and we got...

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#219 - Saying "no" can be hard to do, but well worth learning

Have you ever said yes to someone and truly wished you had said no? Have you ever been asked to...

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#218 - Stop fighting for broken relationships

When do you fight for a relationship and when do you let it go?
If you fight for it, how long are...

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#217 - Some do's and don'ts of good communication

Some do’s and don’ts of good communication
This week, I want to share some ideas and...

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#216 - It takes only 5 seconds to change your life

It takes only 5 seconds to change your life.
It’s true. Prove it to yourself. The next time...

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#214 - 4 connections of great relationships - physical cornerstone

Welcome back to the final segment of The Four Cornerstones of Great Relationships. Today...

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#213 - the 4 connections of great relationships - spiritual cornerstone

Welcome back to The Four Cornerstones of Great Relationships.

This week I want to talk about the...

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#212 - The 4 connections of Great Relationships

For the next four weeks I’d like to cover the basics or the foundation of really great...

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#211 - You have a magnificent opportunity ahead of you!

A couple of times a year I’ll pick up a book on how to improve marital relationships. Each...

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#210 - Simple changes can make a huge difference in your life!

Are you off course?
When an airplane takes off, the pilot sets a course for his destination and...

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#209 - Nothing says I don't trust you like interrogation date!

One of the hardest dates to go on is the interrogation date. This is, without a doubt, the date...

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