Cutting ties with someone you care about or love is one of the most difficult relationship...
Nobody wants to be hurt in a relationship. Yet it happens every day. It doesn’t make any...
One very common question I get from men is “where can I find a good women?” As I said...
Over the past year or so I’ve been inundated with videos and mems on social media about...
For most of you, finding your soul mate will be one of the hardest challenges you face as a...
It’s 3:30 in the morning, one of those toss and turn nights and my brain decides to start...
More and more I’m seeing people that are antagonistic toward dating and relationships....
Over the years I’ve seen some unhealthy trends in dating and relationships. More and more...
Studies today show that over two thirds of single people over age 50 will remain single for the...
Today’s blog is a little longer than normal. It seems to be a pretty hot topic among a lot...
The following is an excerpt from my book, Dating Backward.
The foundation for a mature,...
Do you know exactly what you want in your next relationship? Do you also know what you...