
#73 - Are you following the path that God has laid out for you?

This question applies to business, relationships, family, friends…virtually every aspect of our lives.  I am always in awe when God opens (or closes) a door at the very moment I need guidance.  The important thing is to be observant and recognize what opportunities are being presented and which ones are being taken away.


I have been blessed with having people come into my life at different times for different reasons.  Some have come and gone, some are still with me and probably will be for life.  I also recognize that there are still others that have yet to make an appearance.  At times these relationships have challenged me to re-evaluate who I am and what I am doing.  Like any human being, I will often resist hearing the truth in their message.  However, when I take time to reflect and absorb what I’m being told, I often come away with a new insight and understanding of me and a greater appreciation for those that have challenged me.


I believe God gives all of us a passion for something.  What is your passion?  What is it that you truly love to do?  We all have to discover that passion and then work at developing and sharing our passion with others.  This is part of the path that God has laid out for us.  Ignoring our passion will bring strife, anxiety and regret.  I have discovered that I love to help others.  For 21 years I spent my time helping people make better financial decisions.  Now, my passion to help people has lead me in a different direction and that his to help single people make better decisions about the people they date and the relationships they enter into.  Maybe your passion is being a stay-at-home mom, a photographer, a baker, a rancher, a truck driver, a used car salesman, etc.  Whatever your passion, work at being the best that you can be at what you do!


Not everyone is destined for fame or fortune and that’s okay.  I believe that God wants us to focus on the passion He has given us.  We cheat Him, the world around us and most importantly ourselves when we ignore or worse yet, don’t take time to discover and nurture our passion.  Don’t be embarrassed, intimidated or inhibited because of your passion.  Share it with the world.  I believe that this is the way He intends to impact the world around us.