
#51 - It is always easier to see someone else's flaws and mistakes than to see our own!

In the midst of a conversation this weekend, I found myself being judged for some of my past actions. I may have been able to avoid this “judgment” by being a little less forthright with my answers to difficult questions. Would it have made me look better? Yes, it would. Would it have been the truth? Yes, in a manner of speaking, but it would have only been part of the truth.


It is easy to be judgmental of others. We all have the ability to see what we would consider mistakes that others make. We all make decisions that are clearly wrong. We may have entered into relationships with mates that are alcoholics, co-dependents, spendthrifts, etc. Do we always see these issues before hand? Not necessarily. Why? Sometimes our vision is clouded by emotion or infatuation. Sometimes our vision is clouded by a lifetime of emotional abuse or emotional immaturity. Other times…we just make poor decisions thinking we can change another person!


Can you make excuses for bad decisions? Absolutely! Have you learned from your mistakes? That is an important question which only you can answer. The first step is to recognize and admit the mistakes you have made. The second step is to learn and grow from them and if necessary ask for forgiveness.


The important lesson here is to remember your mistakes but don’t continue to relive them. Don’t continue to beat yourself up about the past. You can’t change the past. You can only make a better future by learning from your mistakes and making better decisions going forward.


In the end, it is far easier to judge others. It is never as easy to look inward and judge ourselves.