
#305 - There's power in personal coaching

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There’s power in personal coaching!

Last week I was invited to watch a five-day virtual seminar. When I first learned about it, I assumed it would be pretty much like most other free five-day seminars I’ve seen lately.

It was an event put on by Tony Robbins. If you’re unfamiliar with Tony Robbins, in the past 40 years he has arguably become the foremost expert in personal development.

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Twenty plus years ago I spent hundreds of dollars on his CDs and books. They were incredibly helpful in developing who I am today.

If you’re like me, it can be difficult to block off an hour a day for five consecutive days. We all have schedules and things that need to get done.

With most five-day seminar formats you get three and a half or four one-hour sessions of good content and then about a day and a half of promoting a course the presenter sells.

After the first hour on the first day, I recognized that the Tony Robbins presentation was not going to be an ordinary virtual seminar. The first day turned out to be nearly four hours long.

It was a total disruption to my planned day and I knew it was going to be disruptive for the next four days.

That being said, I ended up buying the recordings of the event so I could watch the entire seminar at my leisure and not feel rushed.

I had a couple of really big takes-a-ways from this experience.

  1. Coaching has such a huge impact on so many lives. It helps me to refocus on the things in life that are really important to me. One of those things is helping so many people like you through their dating and relationship struggles.
  2. Even though I’ve heard more than 80% of the material in the past, it was great to hear it again. It reinforces that fact that we need to keep hearing things over and over until they become ingrained in us. Even after some things become second nature to us, it can still lose its effectiveness over time as we make other changes in our lives.
  3. Reading, listening, watching, and learning new information is great to an extent but, it isn’t useful until you put it into action.

All the knowledge in the world isn’t beneficial to anyone unless you can put it to good use.
Learning proper nutrition is useless until you actually start to put that knowledge into practice by eating healthier meals.

Learning the proper techniques to play baseball are useless until you actually get out on the field and play the game.

Learning how to navigate on open waters is useless until you take the boat out of the harbor and onto the ocean.

Learning how to find and nurture an extraordinary relationship is useless until you get off the couch and start your search.

If you’re struggling with certain areas of your life, find a mentor, coach, counselor, or therapist that can help you move forward.

Hire them at least for a short period of time to help you evaluate where you are and where you need improve certain parts of your life.

It’s all about practice.
You have to continually put into practice what you’ve learned. If you don’t, you’ll lose that knowledge and you’ll lose it quickly.

Studies show that you’re likely to forget an average of 50% of the information presented within one hour. Within 24 hours, you’ll forget an average of 70% of new information, and within a week, you’re likely to lose as much as of 90% of it.

This is why acting immediately on what you learn is so important.

Everyone can benefit from the experience and knowledge of others. It doesn’t make any difference whether it’s for business, sports, hobbies, relationships, or re-organizing your life.

Hiring a coach will help you step up to the next level of whatever it is you want to do.

Is it time to level up your dating and relationship experiences? Send me an email at [email protected] and request a free 30-minute consultation. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

I hope I’ve given you some great information and insight to make healthier relationship decisions. I’ll see you next week. Until then, have a great and blessed day.