
#123 - Traditions come and go as we move through life

Traditions come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of them involve family, some involve friends, some involve sporting events, some involve holidays and the list goes on. In general, there is something comforting about tradition. They seem to give us a sense of family, community, friendship and connection to others. It can also be a time of great stress for some.
Over the past week I have been reminiscing about family and personal traditions and how they change as we travel through life. We have traditions that are instilled in us as children by our parents. Then there are the traditions we develop as we grow and move out on our own. The next phase of traditions comes when we connect with someone and become a couple. When we get married and create our own family, we may again start new traditions. And then, as we get divorced or experience the loss of a spouse, some of our traditions change again.
This year I have noticed that I miss some of the traditions of the past such as watching (or listening to) my favorite Christmas movies while I am doing my Christmas baking. I miss gathering on the couch as a family to watch some of the Christmas cartoon specials we watched as children and then shared with my daughter as she grew up.
When we enter the single world again we can try to maintain many of our traditions, but it can become difficult for any number of reasons. The point is that some traditions just can’t be maintained. I broke a couple of traditions this year just to try something new. I spent Thanksgiving with a few single people from church. For Christmas, I spent time with family (which I haven’t done in 8 years due to distance and time commitments). Normally I would spend these holidays alone for a couple of reasons. First, I enjoy my own cooking along with the leftovers. Second, I enjoy the solitude at a time of year when life seems to veer out of control with holiday parties, over crowded stores, short tempered people, a general lack of remembrance of what the holidays are about and then there is the traffic with road rage in full and glorious display!
This year I missed my traditional quiet time. Please don’t misunderstand, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends from church and some of the best quality time with my dad that I can ever remember! But, it was not the quiet, peaceful time that I have become accustomed to. Would I change a thing this year? No way! It was just a different year. Will I make these new events holiday traditions? Time will tell.
I have found that most traditions are best when they are shared with someone special. God bless you if you have that special someone in your life. If you don’t, let’s start the new year out right, gain clarity about what you want and focus on creating new traditions with someone special in 2016.
Thank you all for a great 2015 and here’s looking to an exciting 2016. May God bless you all with good health and prosperity in the coming year!