
#315 - Are you so wrapped up in your own life that there's no room for anyone else?


I talk to people regularly that claim they want someone in their life. Yet, when you look at their actions, they have no time.

Many of them lead what appears to be fun and exciting lives. Nice clothes, nice cars, fancy homes, apartments or condos, dining at the best restaurants, and hob knobbing with members of the band.

Many of these mid-lifers may have tried marriage once, maybe twice and then gave up on the idea. Others have never married for their own reasons.

Maybe they’re stuck in the mentality of continuing life as though they were in their 20’s.

In the 60’s, 70’s, and even the 80’s it was sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Some people have never left that mindset.

It’s all about the pleasure that can be had today. To hell with tomorrow. Maybe they’re seeking to be an eternal teenager.

Over the years I’ve discovered that I can’t keep up with that lifestyle. Once upon a time I could go out at 9:00, party until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, sleep for an hour or two and be at work by 6:00 AM.

Then, it would start all over again. We did this every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night.

Age has taken its toll. LOL The days of partying all night have been replaced with a memory foam mattress and pillow. An evening out is usually over by 9:00 or 9:30.

I find that the older I get, the more comfortable I get with being alone and with the way I do things. This can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing if you’re too ridged.

Are you so set in your ways that you can’t accommodate someone new?
I hear about and read comments about how someone is so set in their ways and they have no intention of changing…for anyone.

I’ve experienced this myself recently. She was convinced that her way was the right way and the only way. She was so inflexible and closed minded that there was no way to reconcile our differences.

Adapt and change or decay and die.
Can you make room in your closet for someone else’s clothes? Can you make room on your bathroom vanity for a new partner’s things?

If you can’t, you’re going to have problems finding a new relationship. There has to be some flexibility in every relationship.

Does that mean you have to give in to everything they request? Absolutely not! Should you compromise on your morals and values? Never!

But it does mean that when you meet someone new and accept them into your life, there are going to have to be adjustments. You have to create a new lifestyle.

If you can’t adapt to the change and disruption that a new relationship brings, plan on being single for the rest of your life.

Remember, a new relationship will only be a disruption as long as you let it. If you’re open and adaptable, the two of you can create a new normal.

You have to learn to adjust to each other. They should adapt to some of your ways and you should adapt to some of theirs.

You can make it a doable challenge or you can make it an unclimbable mountain. Which are you going to choose?

Think about it and then let me know how prepared you are for someone new in your life. Have a great and blessed day.